Google Alert - mark twain

Google Blogs Alert for: mark twain

To Pee or Not to Pee, That is the Question… | The Annointed Fig
By ASiCat
But to paraphrase the undying words of Mark Twain, "Do I want to be a member of a club that would have me as a member?" P.S. Fast-forward 17 years. I am married to a guy with the name of my favorite character from my favorite Dickens' ...
The Annointed Fig -
GotFrag eSports - Forums - Counter-Strike Discussion - a help with ...
i dont think you can just this for free cause eswc and wcg has probably paid for that custom script or license to use it, etc. Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement. Mark Twain ...
GotFrag eSports Threads -
Teh Dyslexic Storytellers Blog: Call of a different sort of reform ...
By Brother Wolf
The ability to speak without notes, to as Mark Twain once said – "extemporize" or to just feel comfortable answering question in public, are essential skills to any student's long term success in life. It's time for us to rethink what ...
Teh Dyslexic Storytellers Blog -
Obama just plain wrong about North Dakota floods. « Climate Sanity
By tommoriarty
Remember the old Mark Twain saying, "Everybody is talking about the weather, but nobody is doing anything about it?" That was back in the good old days. I wouldn't mind so much if the president were just talking about the weather, ...
Climate Sanity -
Moony and Padfoot's Bedroom - Happy Birthday themostepotente!!
By remuslives23
--Erica Jong "It's our choices that show who we truly are." -- JK Rowling "The truth is rarely pure, and never simple." --Oscar Wilde "Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear." --Mark Twain ...
Moony and Padfoot's Bedroom -

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